Well, I'm not terribly good at math, but I can tell a good deal and a hot company when I see one!
Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab (BPAL, to those who know it and love it) is a perfume house with a twist. Heard of them? If not, you absolutely must continue reading after the jump. And if you know who BPAL is, you may want to read on, too, because I may have something new to tell you. Ya never know....
It's insane how much I love Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab. I mean, really. I can't stop visiting the site, I can't stop smelling the vials of scenty goodness, I can't stop telling people about these fragrances.
Sadly, I'm hardly on the cutting-edge here, because BPAL has been around for awhile....
I'm not going to be giving away all of the BPAL secrets- this is a company best left to the consumer to explore and feel out personally. But I will tell you some tidbits that will help you get a feel for this innovative company rooted in the techniques and practices of the past.
I think of BPAL as a company who is at once modern, pagan, ancient, edgy, traditional, spiritual - fascinating! Rooted deeply in practices that harken back to the "romance era, Renaissance, Medieval and Victorian" eras, using recipes from those times to form the basis of their products now. A distinctive and unique blend of "homeopathy and aromatherapy" and perfumery, the company has "mastered the art of encapsulating allegorical ideas into singular olfactory experiences."
What that means, to break it down, is the artists who produce these magnificent oil blends (for this is a company who produces oils, not chemical-laden alcohol bottles) work to create scents that speak to you. The oils are masterfully mixed to conjure an experience - and that they do.
The hand-blended products that come out of the lab are themed, and the themes vary from literary inspirations, to beings from other worlds, to stories from ancient religions and beyond. Almost every product comes with a quote or snippet of poetry or prose to help invoke the theme, however if one is silent and thoughtful when wearing the scents one can almost picture the inspiration without any extra provocation.
Each month, at the time of the full moon, a limited edition oil blend (and a t-shirt) is available for only 72 hours. That's pretty cool! Each year, BPAL selects a theme for the full moons - in 2004 and 2005 the Native American interpretations of the moon were the focus, while the Chinese calendar was the basis for the full moon products in 2006. Oh, they call this fun idea "A Little Lunacy". For those whose interest is piqued: the next full moon as of this posting is December 23, 2007.
I can't believe the inspired blends that I have sampled, and I can't wait to order more. The average price for a 5 ml vial - for there are no silly purple bottles here!- is $15, and if you aren't sure you are in for that kind of commitment (said tongue-in-cheek yet the vials do last quite awhile) you can always investigate Imp's Ears - BPAL's sampling system.
The scents themselves are long-lasting, which is refreshing: sometimes I can still smell my chosen oil the next morning! However, I don't find them to be overwhelming- no one has passed out at my feet yet, and I get a lot of compliments. The names of the products amuse and delight, and the scents -well, you can already tell I love the scents! I can't wait to find out what BPAL has in store for us next... Now I see why this company and its products have such a cult of followers!
And by the way: if all of this seems a bit too - weird, odd, Goth, pagan or whatever else... if the art scares you... if the poetry overwhelms you... if the whole thing makes you feel a bit uncomfortable, then you should still give it a try. Read through and just look at the scents - see what may come of it. Search by an ingredient that intrigues you. And if it's still not your cup of tea, that's fine, and I'm sorry.
Please expect a lot more about BPAL very, very soon - including reviews of quite a few lovely scents!
Oh- I don't want to forget to mention that BPAL does not conduct animal testing.
Visit BPAL at their online location, but before you sit down make sure you grab a cup of tea and get comfy- it's totally a great site and you may be there awhile!
Visit BPAL's online retail location, called Black Phoenix Trading Post, to find other BPAL-esque products like lockets to hold your scents or t-shirts or other goodies.
PS: BeautyBlitz would like to give an old-school shout out to Kathy at the lab! Thanks so much and I look forward to working with you again.