Review Round-up
One thing I've noticed about writing beauty product reviews is this: if I'm not feeling the
product, I don't want to write the review. Not because I am afraid to
anger someone - that's not my concern at all. It's just that when we
like something, we feel passionate about it. Passion leads us directly
to our Muse, and the writing comes easily. When I use a product that is
only so-so, I just can't get interested in writing about it. But FCH
isn't just about the superior products. How helpful would that be?
Even ineffective, awful or even simply mediocre products should get
their 15 minutes, right?
I am backlogged on beauty product reviews and I want to make good on them, so I'm initiating FCH's first ever Review Round-up. It's like speed-dating, but with makeup!
(image source)
Disclaimer: all of the products in this review were PR offerings, not items I purchased on my own.