Aren't we all looking for a
simple way to have a good day,
every day?
Wouldn't you love a tip that just makes each day seem a ton happier? A bit easier? A way to spread a bit of joy --- paying a good mood forward?
In all honesty, I nearly always have a good day, even when I'm out doing errands. And that's not the way it used to be, believe me! I used to hate running around, going to the grocery store, holiday shopping, going to the post office... you get the idea. But now I don't mind - in fact, it usually cheers me up!I started following one simple little tip that changed these experiences for me - and I'm going to share it with you:
Give compliments.
It really is that simple!
There are a few tricks, of course:
- They must be sincere.
- They should be said with a degree of (believable) enthusiasm.
Wait - that's only two tricks. How easy to remember!
I have found in all but rare and extreme cases, there is always something to compliment. Take a few seconds and find it!
Why this works:
There are quite a few benefits to this plan.
- Almost 90% of the time, your compliment will be received with thanks and a smile.
- Receiving a compliment makes the recipient feel good.
- Giving a compliment makes the giver feel good.
- When one feels good, one is more apt to compliment someone else.
- This cycle continues.
- Even in the rare cases where your compliment is not appreciated, #3 remains a true statement.
Bonus Tip:
"Genderly speaking", men tend to respond better to compliments about their prowess* rather than their appearance, while the reverse is true of women. Often. There are clearly a zillion exceptions.
*Yes, that prowess, but any feat of physicality will do!
Easy examples:
- I like your pin!
- You have such pretty eyes!
- Your baby is so happy!
- Awesome job running that meeting!
- Cute shoes!
- Your purse has shoes all over it. Adorable!
- Great haircut!
- You're so funny!
- Hey, you wrote a great report!
Notice the exclamation points? That doesn't mean shout the compliment from the rooftops, but it is a reminder to be sincere and enthusiastic. Grunting "nice hat" won't cut it!
Don't always go for the obvious.
"Advanced" compliments:
Sometimes you have to "dig" to find a sincere compliment or one that isn't too obvious.
- Thanks for opening a new line. You're a lifesaver!
- Ah! You put the eggs and bread on top of the canned food. You're the best!
- You've been so helpful. I didn't know anyone could answer my question that quickly, but you sure did! (Note: do not mention that she's been cranky the whole time you talked.)
- It was kind of you to help that lady!
- You have such a pleasant voice! (Note: no need to say that he hasn't even made eye contact with you.)
- I love getting in your line. You always make me laugh!
- I recommend you to everyone because you're so speedy and helpful!
- You're so good with kids! (Note: pass up the opportunity to compare her with the other patrons who have been glaring at the kids and muttering nasty comments.)
- I never thought of pairing those colors together, but on you it works!When desperate, resort to generic statements,said enthusiastically and with a smile:
To be believable, these must be truly generic and said with ZERO sarcasm.
Try "breathtaking" or "amazing" or "great" or "jaw-dropping"
or my favorite: "That's really something!"
You try!