Is it blue with a tinge of purple? Is it purple with a touch of blue? No one knows. Hence the invention of the word "blurple".
China Glaze's First Class Ticket is a perfect example of "blurple" and it's a pretty one at that. CG describes the shade as "deep purple frost with shimmer". Indeed. Or deep blue frost with shimmer. The Ninja does not want to continue to beat that horse. It's dead.
In the sun, as you'll see in many of the pictures below, this color sings! It indeed seems a bit more purple with some royal blue shimmer, though the images will give you a good understanding of how this color can look so different in different lights and at different angles.
As with the other colors in this collection: "frost"? Notsomuch. There are some almost-foil-style glitters in this color, but there are not enough to push this into the foil genre (some of the others in this collection are more so). There are also some glitters that are super-fine and seem to be that glorious "reflects" type glitter The Ninja has been seeing lately-- they're really light-catchy and sparklishous.
Read more about the Vintage Vixen collection here!
If you have debated getting a blurple before, this would be a good one to grab. It's probably dupe-able in overall color, but The Ninja suspects there is no other blurple with this lovely of a shimmer-load.
Swatches are two runny-thick* coats. Warning: this one will pool in the cuticles if allowed and there it will stain.
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