I haven't asked you for anything before. At least, I don't think I have. But now, you're needed.
Sookie's Fairy Godmother saves her from evil things and appears out of nowhere. I wouldn't burden you with that, especially seeing how that all worked out for Claudine.
Cinderella's Fairy Godmother whipped up a dress, changed some rodents into people, and gave her some rad shoes. Sure, there was a time-limit, but it was still a pretty neat trick. I don't even need that much of a commitment from you (just sayin', a pumpkin coach can't be cheap).
I just new laptop with Photoshop. It's got to have a decent amount of memory on it. I would love it if the battery kept a charge for more than 7 minutes (my current one falls short of this requirement and always has). Also, if all of the keys were actually attached to the keyboard, that would be rad. I know how to use Bendaroos to fake a missing key, but it's not the ideal working situation. And key (pun intended) would be a consistently functioning power cord.
Currently, my power cord is dead. The one we had to pay for today is the 7th (SEVENTH!) replacement cord.
I would love to have a Wacom tablet, so I could draw. I'd also love a scanner. But these things aren't the top of the list, as they are useless to me without a computer.
Please, Fairy Godmother, could you help me out? I promise I won't drag you into a fairy war and get you killed.
Oh, and could you also explain to my readers that until my new(est) power cord comes, I'll be posting from my phone. Any articles that go up will have minimal images associated with them, and will be brief, because typing with two fingers is tedious.
Thanks, FG!