My feet. I probably take them for granted. They're there for me when I need to chase after the kids. They're sporting when I go to the gym. They complain when I stand on them for hours on end doing makeup, but they still show up and pitch in. They squeeze into dress shoes whenever I need them too. And they never, ever bitch at me for having never met a Manolo Blahnik.
I should pamper my feet more. They deserve twice-monthly pedicures and pretty polish. They also deserve to be soft, smooth, and callus-free. Instead, I eschew the corner nail salon and in favor of hunting for vintage perfumes, spending money on the nose not the toes.
My feet are pissed. They are dry, calloused, cracking on the heels. There's no polish that makes that pretty. I have a few solutions that should placate pamper my feet.
Keep reading if you need to make things up to your sulky feet!
I wrote a foot-pampering post last year called How to have less ugly feet for Summer and it's still one of my big hit-getters. All of the products I loved then are still on the top of my list... when I remember to use them. It's so easy to forget when you're stuffing your feet into socks and boots, isn't it? But flip flop time is coming!
I got the opportunity to try Gehwol's Salve for Cracked Skin. It's made by a company that focuses solely (ha!) on foot care, and has done so since their first product in 1882!
The Salve for Cracked Skin is meant to deal with (wait for it!) cracked skin. But it also helps callused skin, and dry & rough skin.
The line uses a lot of natural ingredients and the salve, which has a slightly camphorous odor, is full of softening and soothing goodies.
But does it work? Yes! Very, very well, I might add. I still buff my feet in the shower, but regular use of this salve renders any additional products unnecessary.
I'm now interested in checking out some of the line's other products like their Hand Cream (ok, so they make ONE item not for feet) and their Callus Cream. They also have items that look like they stimulate circulation, and other that combat and protect against yuckies like nail fungus and athelete's foot.
PS: the salve works gangbusters on my cuticles! Let's keep that between you and me. ;)
Gehwol's Salve for Cracked Skin: 2oml for $4; 75ml for $22.
This product was furnished for consideration by the manufacturer or a representative thereof.
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Image credits: happy feet; hairy feet; sketches