Probably a lot like you, there are product claims that I see and say "yeah, right!" I mean, I'm not going to believe that everyone can look like a Supermodel just because they buy a certain bra (even though I can). Let's face it - we know they're selling things, so maybe they can't be believed?
When I first heard about this product called frizz TM (that's pronounced "No Frizz"), made by a company called Living Proof, I thought "NO WAY is this going to work, especially on my fine hair".
They say they have a revolutionary new way to control frizzies. Isn't frizz caused by humidity, rain, and sweat the common enemy for all women!? So ya just gotta be skeptical when someone claims to have solved the problem, don't you?
There's this whole science thing they have going for them. Their website is here. Let me quickly summarize what I've learned from their website:
- Hair reacts to changes in humidity by expanding or contracting (due to water-content in the hair).
- Until now, all "defrizzers" have contained silicone.
- Silicone controls frizz by weighing it down.
- Silicone doesn't cover each hair strand evenly.
- MIT (MIT!) scientists decided to find something that fights both friction and humidity to keep hair from frizzing.
- Polyfleuro Ester (never used before in the beauty world) completely and evenly covers each hair shaft with a really really thin barrier that stops humidity in its tracks.
- Voila! (<--- a scientific term) No frizz.
- PS: No silicones = no slimy, stringy, weighted-down hair.
Only the greedy would want more than "just" fighting frizz. But we had to ask: "does frizz TM do more??" The answer is YES!
"In addition to blocking humidity, No Frizz formulas deter dirt and oil so you can go longer between shampoos. The active ingredient in No Frizz actually repels dirt and oil. You can really feel the difference. Your hair doesn't get weighed down and looks just as good on the second day as the first."
SHUT UP ALREADY, right!? So, if I buy this company's shampoo, conditioner and/or styling product, my hair won't be frizzy and it will also look damn good the day after I shampoo because it's just not as dirty? Sign me up!
Actually, what I did was sign up the kid. I have really straight hair that gets stringy in humidity. When I tried the shampoo and conditioner, I was THRILLED at how lovely my hair looked. Then I cut all of my hair off (not because of frizz of course!). I had the products sitting there in the bathroom, so I tried them on my daughter. Ara has the most gorgeous curls, but her hair is fine and super reactive to humidity, as most curls. I'm going to stop talking and just show you the results:
If you didn't read the words on that picture, let me write them again: That is Ara's hair AFTER a nap. I hadn't brushed it, I hadn't mushed it up or finger-combed it. This is Ara's hair after a nap the day after I washed it with frizz shampoo and conditioner. If you have frizzy tendencies or curls, you know that a nap will usually smoosh, fluff, or otherwise destroy your perfectly rendered curls. And if you have a 3 year-old, you know that they roll out of bed with some awesomely crazy hair (because half of the time they're sleeping on their heads, somehow).
Let's look a little more:
I like this one because it reminds me of the 80's commericials
for shampoo that would show the women tossing their hair around!
I PRAY that Living Proof never goes out of business, because if they do I'll be forced to conduct a hard-target search for their products and buy case after case! I never want this kid to go without this product - curly hair is a pain to maintain and this makes it so much easier! I'll probably pick up their styling product, too, though it won't be an everyday thing with her (she's only 3, people!), but I will use it for special occasions and/or pictures!
By the way, I got to try this line because I won a contest on Twitter,
but I know my Sephora carries it - I already checked!
Follow us: @jen_bsb
and follow Living Proof: @LivingProofInc
PS: Don't be jealous, but I'm going to show you what I got from the kid.
She made this for her Mommy in preschool:
Colors, shapes, jewelry and Cheerios. What could be better!?