Another great shade from Ginger + Liz, but this one has The Ninja eating her words.
Not on the First Date seemed to be a pretty beige-nude-mannequin-hands shade the first time The Ninja looked at it in the bottle. When she slicked it onto her nails, though, what she found was a putty-purple. Or you could call it a lavender-greige. Not completely unusual, but the exact shade is one that found no duplicates in The Ninja's stash.
In fact, The Ninja was yearning for a shade like this all Spring, but had long since abandoned hope until meeting this polish. Reading a bit more grey indoors (but still with a lavender bent), outside brings a new perspective: this is a greyed-pale purple. Perfection!
On the downside, application was a bit runny and the Nail Ninja found some of the lacquer pooling in her cuticles if she hurried. This was not an issue when careful, and the color was opaque in two coats. As with all of the other experiences The Ninja has had with Ginger + Liz polishes, wear was great- 4 days of hard ninja use before a small chip.
The minor shrinkage visible on some of these swatch pics was an anomaly, and can be blamed on a new base coat technoque The Ninja was trying out, and not the polish. A previous wear of this shade had no such issues.
Guest swatcher, Pippa, makes an appearance:
So what do you think? Are you "over" colors like this? Interested in adding it to your stash? Do you ever feel stalked by ninja cats?